Top Massachusetts Medical Schools Comparison

There are 4 LCME-accredited Medical Schools in Massachusetts. The schools in the below table lists the schools in order of rankings.
  • Harvard Medical School's tuition is the most expensive ($71,305) and Tufts University School of Medicine's tuition is the lowest ($69,868).
  • Boston University School of Medicine has the lowest acceptance rate of 1.38%) and University of Massachusetts Medical School has the highest rate of 3.80%).
  • Harvard Medical School has the highest MCAT score of 521 and Tufts University School of Medicine has the lowest score of 514.
  • Harvard Medical School has the highest GPA of 3.9 and Boston University School of Medicine has the lowest GPA of 3.74.
  • Harvard Medical School is the largest school with 845 enrolled students and Boston University School of Medicine is the smallest school with 698 students.
  • Harvard Medical School is the oldest school founded in 1782 and University of Massachusetts Medical School is the most recently founded in 1962.
  • Tufts University School of Medicine requires the most expensive application fees of $130.