University of California 6 Medical Schools Comparison

  • All 6 schools are public.
  • San Francisco School of Medicine's tuition is the most expensive ($59,825) and San Diego School of Medicine's tuition is the lowest ($55,537).
  • David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA has the lowest acceptance rate of 1.34%) and San Francisco School of Medicine has the highest rate of 1.96%).
  • Irvine School of Medicine has the highest MCAT score of 516 and Davis School of Medicine has the lowest score of 509.
  • Irvine School of Medicine has the highest GPA of 3.93 and Riverside School of Medicine has the lowest GPA of 3.6.
  • David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA is the largest school with 850 enrolled students and Riverside School of Medicine is the smallest school with 362 students.
  • San Francisco School of Medicine is the oldest school founded in 1864 and Riverside School of Medicine is the most recently founded in 2008.
  • San Diego School of Medicine requires the most expensive application fees of $135.